Brad James

My Book

Tupac and Jada Presumed​

In the heart of 1980’s Baltimore, amidst the grit, grime, and pervasive sense of despair, emerges a tale of resilience and hope. “Tupac and Jada” takes readers on an extraordinary journey alongside two remarkably bright teenagers as they navigate the tumultuous path of adolescence, burdened by familial challenges, the trials of growing up, and the omnipresent specter of racial tension.

Tupac and Jada, despite their tender age, possess an intellectual prowess that sets them apart from their peers. Bound by a deep friendship, they find solace in their shared struggles, their unwavering support for one another becoming an anchor amidst the raging storms of their lives. Together, they seek refuge in the walls of their school, a sanctuary where knowledge and understanding offer a glimmer of hope.

As the story unfolds, “Tupac and Jada” delves into the profound challenges faced by these remarkable teenagers, unafraid to confront the pressing issues of their time.

“Tupac and Jada” is a poignant and unflinching exploration of the human spirit, offering a captivating narrative that immerses readers in the harsh realities of 1980’s Baltimore while shining a light on the enduring power of friendship and the potential for hope even in the darkest of times.

What Readers Are Saying?

“Tupac and Jada Presumed” by Brad James is a riveting and thought-provoking exploration of the enduring bond between two iconic figures of the entertainment industry. James skillfully weaves together a fictional narrative that takes readers on a captivating journey through the lives of Tupac Shakur and Jada Pinkett Smith. The book not only delves into their personal relationship but also delves into the social and cultural context of the time, offering a deep understanding of the challenges and triumphs they faced.

One of the greatest strengths of “Tupac and Jada Presumed” is James’ ability to capture the essence of these complex individuals and bring them to life on the pages. The characters are richly developed, with their flaws, vulnerabilities, and ambitions laid bare. The author’s meticulous research shines through, creating a believable backdrop against which the story unfolds. The narrative is engaging and emotionally charged, keeping readers hooked from beginning to end. Overall, “Tupac and Jada Presumed” is a compelling tribute to two influential figures, offering a fresh perspective on their lives and leaving readers with a deeper appreciation of their impact on the world.
John O.
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Delmar Byers
Review on Book 1
I found this to be an interesting perspective into both Tupac and Jada. I’ve known about both of them, but not so much the history and interaction that occured between the two. After this short and interesting read I feel like I have much more appreciation for their artistic contributions.
Great Story line. You never hear about the young jada and Tupac life. So this is definitely something new and interesting to add into your library.
Beyonce lewis
Book has a great story line. Thoughtful and well written
This book was definitely an enjoyable book to read. Highly recommend well written.
Sutton Gardens Enhanced Assisted Living
The author did a great job with weaving the details of this crazy story. I’m a huge Tupac fan and I learned several things from reading it. Well done! Can’t wait to see what he writes next!
Zack Michaels